Bladder Pain Syndrome Market: Industry Analysis, Epidemiology, Treatment, Therapies and Key Companies | DelveInsight

Bladder pain syndrome is a common cause of chronic pelvic pain with associated lower urinary symptoms. BPS is incurable; management requires an interdisciplinary team (nutritionist, physical therapist, behavioral health specialist) focusing on maximizing patient function.

DelveInsight's "Bladder Pain Syndrome Market Insights, Epidemiology, and Market Forecast-2030" report delivers an in-depth understanding of the Bladder Pain Syndrome, historical and forecasted epidemiology as well as the Bladder Pain Syndrome market trends in the United States, EU5 (Germany, Spain, Italy, France, and United Kingdom) and Japan.

Some facts of the Bladder Pain Syndrome Market Report are:

·         The various risk factors for Bladder Pain Syndrome are urinary tract infection, sex ratio, age and chronic pain disorder.

·         In studies, it was seen that the prevalence of Bladder Pain Syndrome is very common in first-degree female relatives of patients with Bladder Pain Syndrome which is a confirmed NIDDK diagnostic criteria and it was found to be 17 times higher than the rate in the general population.

·         Bladder Pain Syndrome varies among men and women. Women are more at the risk of disease, with a ratio of 9:1.2 (female: male).

·         The Interstitial Cystitis Association has demarcated that 3–8 million women in the United States may have Bladder Pain Syndrome, which is about 3–6% of all women in the US.

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Bladder pain syndrome is often mistaken for a urinary tract infection (UTI), also called a bladder infection. But bladder pain syndrome and UTIs are not the same health problem.

Bladder pain syndrome and UTIs can have some of the same symptoms, including pain near the bladder and the need to go to the bathroom often. But UTIs are caused by germs that get into the bladder, and are treated with antibiotics. Bladder pain syndrome cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Risk for having bladder pain syndrome is higher if:

  • Had a bladder infection. 
  •  Have a family history of bladder pain syndrome. 
  •  Have certain other conditions. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, vulvodynia, and allergies are common in women with bladder pain syndrome.

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Some of  Bladder Pain Syndrome Companies are:

·         Astellas Pharma Inc

·         University of Louisville

·         Queen's University

·         Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products R&D, Inc.

·         Lipella Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

·         Afferent Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

·         Urigen

·         Seikagaku Corporation

·         Allergan

·         Aquinox Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Inc.

·         Mundipharma Research GmbH & Co KG

·         Watson Pharmaceuticals

·         Trillium Therapeutics Inc.

·         Pfizer

·         Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, L.L.C.

·         UroGen Pharma Ltd.

·         Integrative Therapeutics, Inc.

·         Stellar Pharmaceuticals

·         Teva Pharmaceutical Industries

·         William Beaumont Hospitals

·         And Many Others

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Bladder Pain Syndrome Therapies covered:

·         ASP6294

·         SI-722

·         LiRIS®

·         Oxycodone naloxone prolonged release tablets

·          AQX-1125

·         And Many Others

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Table of Contents:

1. Key Insights

2. Executive Summary of Bladder Pain Syndrome

3. Competitive Intelligence Analysis for Bladder Pain Syndrome

4. Bladder Pain Syndrome: Market Overview at a Glance

5. Bladder Pain Syndrome: Disease Background and Overview

6. Patient Journey

7. Bladder Pain Syndrome Epidemiology and Patient Population

8. Treatment Algorithm, Current Treatment, and Medical Practices

9. Unmet Needs

10. Key Endpoints of Bladder Pain Syndrome Treatment

11. Marketed Products

List to be continued in report

12. Emerging Therapies

List to be continued in report

13. Bladder Pain Syndrome: Seven Major Market Analysis

14. Attribute analysis

15. 7MM: Market Outlook

16. Access and Reimbursement Overview of Bladder Pain Syndrome

17. KOL Views

18. Market Drivers

19. Market Barriers

20. Appendix

21. DelveInsight Capabilities

22. Disclaimer

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 Ankit Nigam


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